Sunday, March 29, 2020

Monday, April 2, 2018

Free Cat Coloring Book!

Google Drive Download

Don't worry..Virus Free. =^..^= <3

Monday, January 1, 2018

Christmas Folklore From Iceland: Jólakötturinn

You all know the Yule Cat
And that Cat was huge indeed.
People didn’t know where he came from
Or where he went.

He opened his glaring eyes wide,
The two of them glowing bright.
It took a really brave man
To look straight into them.

His whiskers, sharp as bristles,
His back arched up high.
And the claws of his hairy paws
Were a terrible sight.

He gave a wave of his strong tail,
He jumped and he clawed and he hissed.
Sometimes up in the valley,
Sometimes down by the shore.

He roamed at large, hungry and evil
In the freezing Yule snow.
In every home
People shuddered at his name.
If one heard a pitiful “meow”

Something evil would happen soon.
Everybody knew he hunted men
But didn’t care for mice.
He picked on the very poor

That no new garments got
For Yule – who toiled
And lived in dire need.
From them he took in one fell swoop

Their whole Yule dinner
Always eating it himself
If he possibly could.
Hence it was that the women

At their spinning wheels sat
Spinning a colorful thread
For a frock or a little sock.
Because you mustn’t let the Cat

Get hold of the little children.
They had to get something new to wear
From the grownups each year.
And when the lights came on, on Yule Eve

And the Cat peered in,
The little children stood rosy and proud
All dressed up in their new clothes.
Some had gotten an apron

And some had gotten shoes
Or something that was needed
– That was all it took.
For all who got something new to wear
Stayed out of that pussy-cat’s grasp

He then gave an awful hiss
But went on his way.
Whether he still exists I do not know.
But his visit would be in vain

If next time everybody
Got something new to wear.
Now you might be thinking of helping
Where help is needed most.
Perhaps you’ll find some children
That have nothing at all.

Perhaps searching for those
That live in a lightless world
Will give you a happy day
And a Merry, Merry Yule.

Lets sea if we can make this rhyme...

Revised by Keekat

An ancient folklore about a cat come Christmas time 
with a horrific twisting!

You all know the Yule Cat
And that Cat was huge indeed.
People didn’t know where he came from
But people were afraid, this was agreed

He opened his glaring eyes wide,
The two of them glowing bright.
It took a really brave man
To look straight into them without getting fright

 His whiskers, sharp as bristles,
His back arched up high.
And the claws of his colossal paws
Could make any man cry

Waving his strong tail
He would wildly jump about
Through the valleys to the shore
Hunting for any poor, peasant man
Leaving behind a bloody trail

He roamed at large, hungry and evil
In every home
 People shuddered at his name 
If one heard a loud "meow"
They knew it was time for the cat to chow

Not a gambler in the slightest sense
This cat shots were not called by rolling the dice-  He didn't care for mouses nor mice
 Every man knew he was thirsty for only mens' flesh 
That was his one & only vice

For Yule-BEWARE! 
If you hadn't received new garments
Maybe (just maybe) Jólakötturinn will come out of NO where 

BONUS: Yule Cat Mobile Craft

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

Story of Athena (Earlier times Molly) My Maine Coon Princess

Some Maine Coons are born with 6 toes! (And she is one of them...they are so cute!)

Early in the breed’s development, Maine Coons were often polydactyls, meaning they were born with extra appendages on their paws. Some experts estimate that as many as 40% of early Maine Coons had this characteristic. It stemmed from a genetic mutation, which some people say helped the cats use their paws as “natural snowshoes” during snowy Maine winters.

How she ended up in Memphis, TN I'll probably never know. But she was born in the south and she was the most adorable kitten Ive ever seen. Also, the most intelligent!

Monday, May 2, 2016